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Project Polaris

Age of Exponentiality



​Project Polaris is an innovative reconnection program aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders. Its purpose is to construct a forward-looking vision that anticipates the potential impacts of the technological revolution.

The name "Polaris" evokes knowledge, wisdom, and constant guidance for those who wish to explore new paths and better understand the world around them. The innovative nature of Polaris lies in its groundbreaking approach, encouraging leaders to redirect their businesses.The focus is not solely on what we already know but also on what we don't yet know that we don't know. Through this reflection, we seek to comprehend the impacts that can positively or negatively affect the value perceived by society.

By means of "Foresight Meetings" or "Future Forums," we identify future trends, opportunities, and challenges. Our objective is to creatively deal with uncertainties and vulnerabilities that may arise in the upcoming years, adopting new models of exponential and integrative AI-driven businesses, along with sustainable and socially responsible practices.

We foster the dismantling of organizational values in favor of innovative concepts, encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and resilience. We aim to shape leaders capable of traversing unexplored paths, foreseeing trends, and shaping the future in a sustainable and adaptive manner.

In this way, through an innovative perspective, we will be prepared to confront the challenges of the impending exponential age.

Program "Polaris Journey: Awakening the Future"

Location: Costão do Santinho, Santa Catarina

Duration: 1 week (all inclusive)

Day 1: Reconnection with Origins

Arrival and welcome to Costão do Santinho.

Integration dynamics with outdoor activities, such as a treasure hunt, to strengthen bonds among participants and create a welcoming environment.

Opening ceremony around the "Firewheel" to share personal stories and aspirations, enhancing interpersonal connections.

Lecture by a philosopher about the importance of understanding our roots and how it influences our thinking and actions in the business world.

Day 2: In Search of the Whys

Guided nature walk through the lush surroundings, allowing for individual contemplation and reflection on personal and professional purposes.

Meditation session and mindfulness exercises to enhance self-awareness and understanding of the challenges that shape each participant's journey.

Workshop with a psychologist on the importance of identifying and addressing personal and professional "whys," aiming for greater alignment with future objectives.

Discussion with an artist on how creativity and artistic expression can be powerful tools for exploring new horizons.


Day 3: Recognizing Mistakes and Achievements

Inspirational talk featuring cases of leaders who transformed their mistakes into valuable lessons.

Group dynamics to share experiences of overcoming challenges and learning.

Meditation session and self-compassion practice to cultivate a positive attitude towards past mistakes.

Discussion with a psychologist on learning to handle self-criticism and developing a growth mindset in the face of challenges.

Day 4: Rebuilding Organizational Value


Practical workshops to identify current organizational values and revise them in light of the future business vision.

Symbolic deconstruction activities to let go of what no longer aligns with the desired future.

Discussion with a philosopher on the importance of questioning and redefining organizational values to adapt to changes in the business environment.

Art therapy session with an artist to encourage creativity and "out-of-the-box" thinking in building an innovative organizational culture.

Day 5: Navigating Chaotic Scenarios

Foresight analysis sessions to identify disruptive trends and potentially chaotic scenarios.

Teamwork to develop adaptive action plans focused on transforming challenges into opportunities.

Simulation of decision-making in uncertain scenarios, followed by reflection and discussion on choices made and lessons learned.

Discussion with a psychologist on developing resilience and adaptability in times of change and chaos.

Day 6: Directing the Future

Lecture on the importance of strategic drivers to guide decisions and actions in the business world.

Brainstorming session to define the main drivers for the group, aiming for a more prosperous future.

Design thinking workshop to develop creative and innovative solutions aligned with the established drivers.

Discussion with a philosopher on setting goals and objectives consciously and in alignment with personal and business values.

Day 7: Commitment and Celebration

Closing ceremony to celebrate individual and collective growth during the Polaris Journey.

Commitment to take away the learnings and apply them in everyday business and personal life.

Group reflection session on the experiences throughout the journey and creating a personal action plan for the future.Celebration with an art and music event featuring local artists to inspire participants' creativity and expression.

Note: The "Polaris Journey: Awakening the Future" program is an enriching experience of self-discovery and learning in a paradisiacal setting at Costão do Santinho, Santa Catarina. During a week of immersion with all-inclusive accommodations, participants will have the opportunity to reconnect with their origins, share experiences, overcome challenges, chart new directions, and build a prosperous and sustainable future vision for themselves and their businesses. Through interactive activities, meditation, future reflection, talks with philosophers, psychologists, and artists, as well as group dynamics, each participant will be empowered to navigate confidently and adaptably through the chaotic scenarios of the modern business world.

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